Train – Test Split Code

In the previous blog, we learned that Train/Test is the method used to evaluate supervised machine learning models. Let us see how to split the data in training and testing set in Python & R. The Python and R code below is to split the given data into development, validation, and hold-out sample in 50:30:20 proportions.



R Code to split the data

# R code to import the data
> LR_DF <- read.csv("LR_DF.csv")
> dim(LR_DF)
[1] 20000    10

# Code to split the data into development, validation and hold-out sample
> random <- runif(nrow(LR_DF), 0, 1)
> dev <- LR_DF[which(random <= 0.5),]
> val <- LR_DF[which(random > 0.5 
                   & random <= 0.8 ),]
> holdout <- LR_DF[which(random > 0.8),]

> c(nrow(dev), nrow(val), nrow(holdout))
[1] 9988 5957 4055



Python Code to split the data

# Python code to import the data
import pandas as pd
LR_DF = pd.read_csv("LR_DF.csv")
(20000, 10)

# Code to split the data into development, validation and hold-out sample
import numpy as np
dev, val, holdout = np.split(
        LR_DF.sample(frac=1, random_state=1212), 

(len(dev), len(val), len(holdout))

(10000, 6000, 4000)


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