Multiple Linear Regression is a linear regression model having more than one explanatory variable. In our last blog, we discussed the Simple Linear Regression and R-Squared concept. The Adjusted R-Squared of our linear regression model was 0.409. However, a good model should have Adjusted R Squared 0.8 or more. To improve the model performance, we will have to use more than one explanatory variable, i.e., build a Multiple Linear Regression Model.


Multiple Linear Regression


Import Data

We will use the datafile inc_exp_data.csv to learn multiple linear regression in Python/R. Click here to download the file from the Resources section.

/* Import the File */

import pandas as pd
inc_exp = pd.read_csv("Inc_Exp_Data.csv")

### R code to import the File ### 
inc_exp <- read.csv("Inc_Exp_Data.csv")


View Data

inc_exp.head(16) ### Python syntax to view data

View(inc_exp)### R syntax to view data

Linear Regression Data



Sr. No. Column Name Description
1. Mthly_HH_Income Monthly Household Income
2. Mthly_HH_Expense Monthly Household Expense (Dependent Variable)
3. No_of_Fly_Members Number of Family Members
4. Emi_or_Rent_Amt Monthly EMI or Rent Amount
5. Annual_HH_Income Annual Household Income
6. Highest_Qualified_Member Education Level of the Highest Qualified Member in the household
7. No_of_Earning_Members Number of Earning Members



A hypothesis is an opinion of what you expect. While framing a hypothesis, remember it should contain an independent and dependent variable. It plays a very important role in machine learning, as such, a Data Scientist should give considerate time to hypothesis development and hypothesis testing.

Herein, I am writing my hypothesis for the first 3 independent variables:

Independent Variable Description
Mthly_HH_Income Household having higher monthly income are likely to have relatively higher monthly expense (positive correlation)
No_of_Fly_Members Families having more members are likely to have higher monthly expense (positive correlation)
Emi_or_Rent_Amt The EMI or Rent adds to the monthly cash outflow, as such, they may have higher overall monthly expenses as compared to households having owned residence.

The hypothesis can be validated using graphical methods like scatter plot, numerical methods like correlation analysis and regression. We will test our hypothesis using:

  • Scatter plots (pair plots)
  • P-value of the independent variables in the Linear Regression model


Pair Plots

It is a good practice to perform univariate and bivariate analyses of the data before building the models. Pair Plots are a really simple (one-line-of-code simple!) way to visualize relationships between each variable.

# Import the seaborn package for visualization 
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline 
sns.pairplot(inc_exp[ ['Mthly_HH_Expense', 'Mthly_HH_Income', 
    'No_of_Fly_Members', 'Emi_or_Rent_Amt'] ], 
    diag_kind = 'kde')

Pair Plots in Multiple Linear Regression using Python Seaborne Package



# Import Data
inc_exp <- read.csv("Inc_Exp_Data.csv")

# View Data

# Pair Plots
# install.packages("psych") 
  method = "pearson", # correlation method
  hist.col = "#00AFBB",
  density = TRUE, # show density plots
  lm = TRUE # plot the linear fit

Pair Plots in Multiple Linear Regression using R psych Package

Inferences from Pair Plots:

1. The trends between the dependent and independent variables are as per our hypothesis.
2. The distribution of the Mthly_HH_Expense, Mthly_HH_Income, and No_of_Fly_Members variables is some-what Normal Distribution.
3. The Emi_or_Rent_Amt is highly skewed. Many observations have value as 0.


Build the Model

## Multiple Linear Regression 

import statsmodels.formula.api as sma 

m_linear_mod = sma.ols( formula = "Mthly_HH_Expense ~ Mthly_HH_Income 
    + No_of_Fly_Members + Emi_or_Rent_Amt", 
    data = inc_exp).fit() 


Multiple Linear Regression Model with Adjusted R-Squared statistic in Python

 # Build the Model

m_linear_mod <- lm( Mthly_HH_Expense ~ Mthly_HH_Income 
                    + No_of_Fly_Members + Emi_or_Rent_Amt, 
                    data = inc_exp ) 


Multiple Linear Regression with Adjusted R-Squared output in R

Interpretation of Regression Summary:

1. Adjusted R-squared of the model is 0.6781. This statistic has to be read as “67.81% of the variance in the dependent variable is explained by the model”.

2. All the explanatory variables are statistically significant. (p-values < alpha; assume alpha = 0.0001).

3. The beta coefficient sign (+ or -) are in sync with the correlation trends observed between the dependent and the independent variables.

4. The p-value of the F Test statistic is 5.7e-12. We conclude that our linear regression model fits the data better than the model with no independent variables.


Adjusted R-squared

Adjusted R Squared as the term suggests is R Squared with some adjustment factor. The Adjusted R Squared is a modified version of R Squared that has been adjusted for the number of predictor variables in the model.

Why use Adjusted R-Squared and not R-Squared?

Assume, you have a random variable having a casual relationship with the dependent variable. The addition of such a random variable to the model will still improve the model’s R-squared statistic. However, the Adjusted R Squared statistic will decrease and penalize the model if the explanatory variable does not contribute to the model. It is evident from the Adjusted R-Squared formula.

Adjusted R-Squared Formula

Where n is No. of Records and k is No. of Variables.
The denominator (n – k – 1) penalizes the R² for every additional variable. If the added variable does not improve the Model R², then the Adjusted R² value will decrease. The drop in Adjusted R² suggests the added term should be dropped from the model.


Let us understand Adjusted R-Squared with practical example

Let us add a Sr_No column to the data and use it as an explanatory variable.

## Multiple Linear Regression 

import statsmodels.formula.api as sma 

m_linear_mod = sma.ols( formula = "Mthly_HH_Expense ~ Mthly_HH_Income 
    + No_of_Fly_Members + Emi_or_Rent_Amt + Sr_No", 
    data = inc_exp).fit() 

print("The model R-Squared is", m_linear_mod.rsquared.round(4))
print("The model Adj. R-Squared is", m_linear_mod.rsquared_adj.round(4))
The model R-Squared is 0.7022
The model Adj. R-Squared is 0.6757
m_linear_mod <- lm( Mthly_HH_Expense ~ Mthly_HH_Income 
                    + No_of_Fly_Members + Emi_or_Rent_Amt + Sr_No, 
                    data = inc_exp ) 

model_summary = summary(m_linear_mod)

cat("The model R-Squared is", model_summary$r.squared)
cat("The model Adj. R-Squared is", model_summary$adj.r.squared)
The model R-Squared is 0.7022044
The model Adj. R-Squared is 0.6757337


By adding Sr_No term, the R-Squared has increased from 0.6978 to 0.7022. However, Adjusted R-Squared has decreased from 0.6781 to 0.6757. As Adjusted R-Squared has decreased, the added term (Sr_No) should be dropped from the model.


Next Blog

In our upcoming blog, we will explain the concept of Multicollinearity, Prediction using the model, and more.

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