Information Value and Weight of Evidence (WoE) are the two most used concepts in Logistic Regression for variable selection and variable transformation respectively. Information Value helps quantify the predictive power of a variable in separating the Good Customers from the Bad Customers. Whereas, WoE is used for the transformation of categorical variables to continuous.

Pre-reads: Information Value and Variable Transformation

Understanding WoE Calculations

WoE is calculated by taking the natural logarithm (log to base e) of the ratio of %Good by %Bad.

Weight of Evidence Formula

Weight of Evidence (WoE)

The table below shows the Weight of Evidence calculations for the Occupation field. I will walk you through step-by-step calculations to compute WoE.

Occ_Imputed cnt_resp cnt_non_resp pct_resp pct_non_resp WOE
MISSING 91 2203 0.197826 0.230922 -0.154694
PROF 121 2613 0.263043 0.273899 -0.040441
SAL 86 2901 0.186957 0.304088 -0.486441
SELF-EMP 156 1487 0.339130 0.155870 0.777362
SENP 6 336 0.013043 0.035220 -0.993329

Step 1: Get the frequency count of the dependent variable class by the independent variable. This step will give the first three columns of the above table.

  • Occ_Imputed: Independent Varible.
  • cnt_resp: Count of Responders, i.e Target = 1
  • cnt_non_resp: Count of Non-Responders i.e Target = 0
# Crosstab code in Python

pd.crosstab(dev["Occ_Imputed"], dev["Target"])

# Crosstab code in R 
table(dev$Occ_Imputed, dev$Target)

# Note - The Development Sample of R and Python is not exactly the same. 
# As such, you can expect some difference in R and Python crosstab output.

Weight of Evidence Calculation Steps

Step 2: Convert the count values into proportions. The formula is count responders divided by total responders and likewise count non-responders divided by total non-responders.

Occ_Imputed cnt_resp cnt_non_resp pct_resp pct_non_resp
MISSING 91 2203 91/460 = 0.198 2203/9540 = 0.231
PROF 121 2613 121/460 = 0.263 2613/9540 = 0.274
SAL 86 2901 86/140 = 0.187 2901/9540 = 0.304
SELF-EMP 156 1487 156/140 – 0.339 1487/9540 = 0.156
SENP 6 336 6/140 = 0.013 336/9540 = 0.035
Total 460 9540

Step 3: Calculate WoE by taking the natural log of the ratio of Responders proportion divided by Non-Responders.

Occ_Imputed cnt_resp cnt_non_resp pct_resp pct_non_resp WOE
MISSING 91 2203 0.198 0.231 ln(0.198/0.231) = -0.155
PROF 121 2613 0.263 0.274 -0.040441
SAL 86 2901 0.187 0.304 -0.486441
SELF-EMP 156 1487 0.339 0.156 0.777362
SENP 6 336 0.013 0.035 -0.993329

Python code to compute WoE

We have automated the above WoE calculation in the file. You can download the file from Github.

woe_table = woe(df=dev, target="Target",var="Occ_Imputed",
   bins = 10, fill_na = True)

Weight of Evidence Python Code Output

Application of WoE for Variable Transformation

The WoE can be used to transform Categorical Variable to Numerical. You do this by substituting each category by their respective WoE value. The benefit of WoE transformation is that the WoE transformed variable has a linear relationship with the log odds. To understand it better, execute the below code and see its Ln Odds Visualization chart.

# All WOE values has been multiplied by 100

         x: -15.469 if (x == "MISSING")
         else (-4.044 if (x == "PROF")
         else (-48.644 if (x == "SAL")
        else (77.736 if (x == "SELF-EMP")
        else -99.333     
# All WOE values has been multiplied by 100
dev$Occ_WoE = ifelse(
  dev$Occ_Imputed == "MISSING", 8.94,
    ifelse (dev$Occ_Imputed == "PROF", -10.92,
      ifelse (dev$Occ_Imputed  == "SAL", -50.77,
        ifelse (dev$Occ_Imputed == "SELF-EMP",65.82,  -81.37

Weight of Evidence Log Odds Chart

Benefits of using WoE in Logistic Regression

1. Does away with One-Hot Encoding: Some of the machine learning packages do not take the categorical variables directly. You have to convert the categorical variables into a dummy 1-0 matrix also called one-hot encoding. If there are many categories in the categorical variable then, it would add many columns in the dataset. We can do away with the one-hot encoding by using the WoE step.

2. Only One Beta Coefficient: A categorical variable with “n” categories will result in having “n-1” beta coefficients in the model. However, converting a categorical variable to its WoE equivalent will have only one beta coefficient thereby simplifying the model equation.

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